Graduate Quantum Mechanics II

Schedule of Classes

  • Lecture: Tuesday & Thursday 14:00-15:20, Mayer Hall Addition 2702

  • Discussion session: Friday 15:00-16:30, Mayer Hall Addition 2702

  • Final: Take-home exam, deadline 23:59, March 19, 2020
  • Instructor: Yi-Zhuang You (尤亦庄) (sounds like EACH-ONE, YOU)

    • Email:

    • Office hour: Tuesday & Thursday 15:30-16:30, Mayer Hall 5202

  • Teaching Assistants

  • Course grade: homework 30%, quizzes 20%, final 50%.

    • Next homework due date: March 10 (Part4 HW 2)

    • Quiz schedule: Feb. 20


[1] R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Plenum Press, New York. (1994)

[2] J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. (1994)

Other References

Lecture Notes

Part 2. Path Integral and Wave Mechancis (Mathematica) (PDF)
path integral, wave function, Schrödinger equation, position and momentum, Fourier transform, symmetry and conservation laws, quantum planar rotor, energy level, density of states

Part 3. Algebraic Methods (Mathematica) (PDF)
harmonic oscillator, creation and annihilation operator, boson number operator, coherent state, angular momentum theory, SO(3) rotational symmetry, fusion category of spins, hydrogen atom and SO(4) symmetry

Part 4. Perturbation Theory (Mathematica) (PDF)
non-degenerate perturbation, Hellmann-Feynman theorems, degenerate perturbation, effective Hamiltonian, time-dependent perturbation, Dyson series, Green’s function, Feynman diagrams, transition rate, Fermi’s golden rule

Part 5. Second Quantization (Mathematica) (PDF)
identical particle, Fock space and Fock state, creation and annihilation operator of bosons and fermions, quantum many-body system