The GitHub repocitory Mathematica-for-physics contains Mathematica packages and stylesheets that are useful to my daily research.
For more details, please read the User’s Guide (Mathematica) (PDF).
PauliAlgebra: symbolic handling the algebra and representation of Pauli operators
LoopIntegrate: performing loop integration in quantum field theory (with dimension regularization)
MatsubaraSum: performing Matsubara summation analytically
Themes: a self-made plot theme for Mathematica, called “Academic” (see the StackExchange discussion Is it possible to define a new PlotTheme?)
Toolkit: miscellaneous functions, including
for plotting band structure,tTr
for tensor network contraction,ComplexMatrixPlot
for complex matrix visualization,Pf
for matrix Pfaffian
- CMU Article: a Mathematica style sheet based on Computer Modern Unicode fonts (the CMU fonts need to be installed separately to the operating system)
To download, visit the GitHub repository Mathematica-for-physics, click “Clone or download” button to the right and choose “Download ZIP”.
To install everything:
unzip this repository in a folder,
in Mathematica, -
click the
Run Package
button to the top right, -
quit Mathematica and restart.
In order for the CMU Article style sheet to work properly, Computer Modern Unicode fonts must be installed. (The font files can be found here.)