You can find a printable (and longer) version of my CV here.

Contact Information
- Email:
- Phone: +1(858)822-4462 (Office)
- Office: Mayer Hall 5202
- Affiliation:
Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093, USA - GitHub: Everett You
- StackExchange: Everett You
- ORCiD: 0000-0003-4080-5340
- Google Scholar: Yi-Zhuang You (尤亦庄)
Research Interests
Theoretical investigation on correlated topological phases and phase transitions in condensed matter and high-energy physics, understanding dynamics of quantum entanglement, and application of machine learning in many-body problems.
Professional Appointments
Associate Professor, University of California, San Diego (2024 - present)
Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego (2018 - 2024)
Academic Background
B.Sc. Physics, Nanjing University (2004 - 2008)
Ph.D. Physics, Tsinghua University (2008 - 2013)
Postdoc, University of California, Santa Barbara (2013 - 2016)
Postdoc, Harvard University (2016 - 2018)
Awards and Honors
- National Science Foundation, CAREER award (2022)
- University of California Hellman Fellow (2021)
- National Scholarship for Graduate Students –China (2012)
- Graduate Scholarship –Tsinghua University (2010)
- C.N. Yang Fellowship –Tsinghua University (2009)
- Honor Graduate –Nanjing University (2008)
Selected Articles
Chao-Ming Jian, Yi-Zhuang You, Romain Vasseur, Andreas W. W. Ludwig. Measurement-induced criticality in random quantum circuits. Physical Review B 101(10), 104302 (2020). arXiv:1908.08051
Yi-Zhuang You, Ashvin Vishwanath. Superconductivity from valley fluctuations and approximate SO(4) symmetry in a weak coupling theory of twisted bilayer graphene. npj Quantum Materials 4(1), 16 (2019). arXiv:1805.06867
Yi-Zhuang You, Zhao Yang, Xiao-Liang Qi. Machine learning spatial geometry from entanglement features. Physical Review B 97(4), 045153 (2018). arXiv:1709.01223
Yi-Zhuang You, Andreas W. Ludwig, Cenke Xu. Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and thermalization on the boundary of many-body localized fermionic symmetry protected topological states. Physical Review B 95(16), 115150 (2017). arXiv:1602.06964
Yi-Zhuang You, Cenke Xu. Interacting topological insulator and emergent grand unification theory. Physical Review B 91, 125147 (2015). arXiv:1412.4784
Book Chapters
- Yi-Zhuang You, Zheng-Yu Weng. Coexisting Itinerant and Localized Electrons. In: Iron-Based Superconductivity, P. D. Johnson ed., Springer International Publishing, Springer Series in Material Science 211, Chap. 10, p. 377-408 (2015). arXiv:1311.4094
Selected Invited Talks
- Emergent classicality of information bottleneck. Perimeter Institute (2023). (video)
- Machine learning physics: from quantum mechanics to holographic geometry. Perimeter Institute (2019). (video)
- Entanglement features of random Hamiltonian dynamics. Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (2018). (video)
- UCSD Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Issues (GISOI) (2023 - present)
- Editorial Board Member for Machine Learning: Science and Technology (2019 - present)
- Referee for journals including Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review B, etc.
Teaching Experience
- Quantum Mechanics, UCSD (2018-2025)
- Statistical Mechanics, UCSD (2024)
- Condensed Matter Physics, UCSD (2022-2023)